"Make Strong Commitment" lesson from Mahabharat


  • Make a strong commitment-   

 It is necessary to make a definite commitment to be successful, strong commitment with employees, with your organization, with colleagues, whoever is there in the organization. 

If you have a strong commitment, you will be more likely to achieve the goal.

  • Commitment-

Commitment is being definitely dedicated to a cause or activities you are involved with, being devoted to the cause.

  •  How we discovered " Make strong commitment" from Mahabharat-

The character named Bheeshma Pitama is known for strong commitments in Mahabharat. He was the (son of Ganga and king Shantanu), a great warrior, and the person who devoted his life to the Hastinapur kingdom. 

No, matter what whatever situation came to Bheeshma, once he decided to stay committed, he never broke it whatever situation came in front of him.

Bheeshma, whenever found him surrounded by, difficulties went to get suggestions from Parshram and Vidur to have some solutions and support. But, he never chose to withdraw his commitment to the people in Hastinapura king dome.

  • Incident- 

Bhishma Pitama was blessed by his father, that he can die when he wants he wants by choosing his date and time. Bhishma took the commitment that he will not choose to die until he gets the great king or Hastinapur kingdom, who can take good care of people. During this period, Bheeahma suffered a lot until the end of Mahabharat. Pandavas decided to kill Bhishma and, Arjun placed the arrows darted at each part of his body. After this, Bhishma fell and laid on the bunch of archeries, suffering a lot of pain, but he decided not to die and stick to his commitment to have the great king for Hastinapur before he die and he laid on a bunch of archeries, till the end of Mahabharat (war). In the end, he found the Great king Yudishtera for Hastinapur. 

  • Positive and Negative - 

Advice from my side is, we should have a firm commitment but, before that, we should see both the positive and negative sides of then, which we are going to take. Stick to it until we achieve it like Bheeshma had a positive effect on the decision. He never gave up until he had a great king for Hastinapur. He not only made this commitment, but there were also some other commitments he made of them that were not fruitful, but he found it later and still stuck to it.

For this, we should understand that it is beneficial to take the right step at the right moment and then stick to it, with a firm commitment. 

  • Important - 

  1. Have a strong commitment to getting a positive result
  2. Once you commit stick to it
  3. take the right step at the moment, first thing, and then commit
  4. If you don't find the commitment you made is worthy enough or it is taking a turn to the negative side, it is better to have a back step and think again. 


(stay connected for more points in detail for the development of great management skills)


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