
Lesson from Mahabharata "Passion is a Great mentor "

Why passion is an excellent mentor?   Passion is the only thing from my point of view, which can take oneself to their right track. If you are not passionate about something, you can't do it the way you need to, like if a person is not enthusiastic about dancing by heart, he would never dance the way he can.  For anything you want in life to achieve by heart, it is necessary to be passionate about it. Only passion can teach you the lesson and can lead you to the correct path. it will give you the best teacher you need, and will also show you the way where you want to move and much more.  What is passion? Passion is a strong feeling of enthusiasm, with a desire to achieve and enjoyment to satisfy the particular extraordinary attraction, it's not just a desire, its a mixture of various feelings which gives you positive warmness feeling at the extreme until you achieve that.                        H ow we learn passion is a great mentor from Mahabharata -      Most of us know the