
"know every members Potential" lesson from Mahabharat for management

Potential - Potential is the condition in which a person shows in the coming near future to deal with the situation. Potential is having the power or being capable of handling the happening in the coming future. Why "knowing the potential of every member" is important - It is important to know the importance of every team member to increase the quality of the team. If we know the potential of every individual in the organization and assign the responsibility according to their potential, it will give us a positive result and success in a task, it is an important point in management part as a lead, we should know the potential of every member in the team and, we should know how to use their potential to achieve the objective. If we don't know the potential of our team members, we won't be able to complete our responsibilities with productivity.  How do we discover " know every member potential " from Mahabharat - In Mahabharat, Pandavas were the sons of Kunti